Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Leadership Skills Personal Development Plan Essay

Leadership Skills Personal Development Plan - Essay Example a detailed analysis of my leadership style on the grounds of strength, weakness, opportunity, threats, along with discussion on improving them in order to be a more effective leader. I have also discussed the SMART(ER) goal setting technique to set the goals for my followers and for myself. All the discussions made in this study are backed up by relevant theories. According to my perception, the concept of leadership is based on the idea of how one individual can guide a group of people to follow his instruction so that they can be driven towards a common goal. At often times the term â€Å"leader† is used synonymous with the term â€Å"manager†. I think that a leader and a manager possess quite a different set of characters (Davis 8). A leader develops a new trend or a set of rules to follow, whereas a manager makes sure that the rules are properly being followed. Most importantly a manager controls his subordinates by relying on his power of authority, but a leader influences his followers by establishing a strong trust (The Wall Street Journal, â€Å"What is the Difference Between Management and Leadership?†). This makes me believe that a leader is a person who takes the right decisions and sets goals for himself and for his followers as well. I have followed a leadership style which binds my team in with strict rules and regulation. I thought that setting up straight forward rules are necessary in order to make sure that there is deviation from the goal. I laid down a series of strict rules for my team and instructed them to follow those rules down to every word. In order to avoid confusion in decision making, I took the responsibility of making all the major decisions myself. I commanded my team to abide by my decisions at all times, so it can be ensured that the progress is directed in the desired way. This style of leadership can be termed as the Autocratic leadership style (Johnson, â€Å"5 Different Types of Leadership Styles†). Strength: The autocratic

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